Çerez Örnek

Exchange Programs


General education program of the European Union which was named before the year 2007 as “SOCRATES ERASMUS programme” was started in our country in 2003-2004 academic year. Turkey is one of full participating countries of this program since 2004-2005 academic year. “The name of this programme was amended as “Lifelong Learning Programme, LLP”, from the date of January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2013. Within the  scope of this ending programme as from 2014, the grants which were provided in field of higher education will be continiued between the years 2014-2020 under the name of Erasmus+ Programme. General education program of the European Union which was named before the year 2007 as “SOCRATES ERASMUS programme” was started in our country in 2003-2004 academic year. Turkey is one of full participating countries of this program since 2004-2005 academic year. “The name of this programme was amended as “Lifelong Learning Programme, LLP”, from the date of January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2013. Within the  scope of this ending programme as from 2014, the grants which were provided in field of higher education will be continiued between the years 2014-2020 under the name of Erasmus+ Programme.

Erasmus+ Programme aims to increase the educational quality, improve the collaboration of the higher education institutions and the collaboration between the higher education institutions and business World. This programme was developed for  mobility of university staff and students. To take advantage of the most basic aspects of the Erasmus program is a valid Contract between the institution formerly known as “Bilateral Agreement” with the name of the new “Inter Institutional Agreement”. Through this programme, a student  has a opportunity to take  a part of his/her education (from 3  up to 12 months)in a different university in Europe. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students can benefit from this programme. Undergraduate students must have completed first grade. Every student is entitled to only once to participate this programme. Further information on this program is available at eu.ege.edu.tr.

Within the Erasmus+ Programme there are 28 EU member countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Esthonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Cyprus, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) and 5 nonmember countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia and Turkey)

  • Universities that E.U. Faculty of Pharmacy has agreement under the ERASMUS+ exchange program are:
  • Germany 2014-2020 Martin Luther Uni. Halle Wittenberg (D HALLE 01)
  • Germany 2014-2021 Freie Universitat Berlin (D BERLIN 01)
  • Germany 2014-2021 Universitaet Würzburg (D WURZBUR 01)
  • Italy 2014-2021 Uni.degli Studi di Torino (I TORINO 01)
  • Italy 2014-2021 University Of Sassari (I SASSARI 01)
  • Italy 2014-2021 Pavia University (I PAVIA 01)
  • Italy 2014-2021 Parma University (I PARMA 01)
  • Italy 2014-2021 Uni. Of Naples Federico II (I NAPOLI 01)
  • Italy 2014-2020 Sapienza-Uni. Of Rome (I ROMA 01)
  • France 2014-2021 Universite D’Angers (F ANGERS 01)
  • Greece 2014-2021 Aristotle Uni. (G THESSAL 01)
  • Poland 2014-2021 Medical University of Warsaw (PL WARSZAW 06)
  • Spain 2014-2021 Universitat de Barcelona (E BARCELO 01)
  • Spain 2014-2021 Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona (E BARCELO 02)
  • Hungary 2014-2021 Szegedi Tudományegyetem (HU SZEGED 01)
  • Portugal 2014-2021 Uni. Of Minho (P BRAGA 01)
  • Slovenia 2014-2021 University of Ljubljana (SI LJUBLJA 01)
  • Esthonia 2014-2021 Tartu Uni.(EE TARTU 02)
  • Netherland 2014-2021 Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (NL UTRECHT 24)
  • France 2017-2021 Universite Paris-Sud (F PARIS 011)

Between the years of 2008-2017, our undergraduate and postgraduate students benefited from the ERASMUS + program in various countries and students from abroad were trained in our Faculty.

Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Işık ÖZGÜNEY 
Phone         : +90 232 311 31 39
Mail             : isik.ozguney@ege.edu.tr
Website      : https://international.ege.edu.tr/index.php

Ege Üniversitesi