Çerez Örnek

Department of Radiopharmacy

Radiopharmaceuticals are pharmaceutical dosage forms that contain radioactive compounds (radionuclides) and they are used for diagnostics and treatment of the diseases in nuclear medicine.Radiopharmaceuticals are pharmaceutical dosage forms that contain radioactive compounds (radionuclides) and they are used for diagnostics and treatment of the diseases in nuclear medicine.Radiopharmacy is the field of pharmacy which involves development, preparation, radiolabeling, quality control and application of radiopharmaceutical formulations. A radiopharmacist (nuclear pharmacist) is responsible for all these processes.After the application of radiopharmaceuticals, the radiation that is emitted from radiopharmaceuticals is detected and converted into images by computers. Monitoring the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals provides anatomic information, and determining alterations in time provides physiological information. Radiopharmaceuticals are also used for treatment of diseases and development of new dosage forms.
A pharmacist who successfully completes a master degree in our department gets ‘radiopharmacist’ title. Those who get the title can work and proceed their careers in;
• Academic field  / universities
• Nuclear medicine departments
• Drug companies that produce radiopharmaceuticals

Field of InterestField of Interest
• Development of new radiopharmaceuticals, preparation of lyophilized kits and quality control.
• Radiolabeling of active substances and dosage forms, drug targeting and biodistribution studies.
• Radiolabeling of proteins and cells.

1. ‘Radiolabeling of 1-[{1′-(1”-Deoxy-2”,3”:4”,5”-di-O-isopropiliden-β-D-frukto piranose-1”-il)-1’H-1′,2′,3′-triazol-4′-il}methyl]-5-florouracile with 99mTc and evaluation of the activity of the radiopharmaceutical by cell culture studies.’ TUBITAK PROJECT (115S935), (Completed).
2. ‘Investigation of the Potentials of 99mTc Radiolabeled Antibiotics for Monitoring Infection and Inflammation Foci.’ TUBITAK PROJECT (110S229) (Completed)
3. ‘Preparation of Radiolabeled Human Serum Albumin Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnostics’ Ege University Scientific Research Project (16/ECZ/016) (Ongoing).
4. ‘Development, Spray Drying and Radiolabeling of Microemulsified Drug Delivery Systems, and Evaluation of Activity in Cell Culture Studies’ Ege University Scientific Research Project (16/ECZ/017) (Ongoing).
5. ‘Development of 99mTc Labeled Drug Delivery Systems for Breast Cancer Diagnosis’ Ege University Scientific Research Project (14/ECZ/037) (Completed).
6. ‘Preparation of 99mTc Labeled Risedronate Sodium Microemulsion Formulations and Evaluation Bioavailability by Cell Culture Method’ (14/ECZ/031) (Completed).
7. ‘Comparative Uptake of 99mTc Labeled Alendronate Sodium on Bone Cancer’ (13/ECZ/028) (Completed).
8. ‘Formulation of Injectable Dosage Forms for Discrimination of Infection and Inflammation Foci’ Ege University Scientific Research Project (11/ECZ/010) (Completed).
9. ‘Bioavailability of Alendronate Sodium in Different Formulations’ Ege University Scientific Research Project (08/ECZ/015) (Completed).

Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya İLEM ÖZDEMİR(Head of Department)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evren ATLIHAN GÜNDOĞDU
Res. Asst. Dr. Meliha EKİNCİ
Res. Asst. Dr. Emre ÖZGENÇ


Ege Üniversitesi