Çerez Örnek

Department of Pharmacy Management

Department of Pharmacy Management (the commonly name abroad; Department of Social Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacy Administration) is a multidisciplinary science that deals with individual, institutional and societal roles of drugs.

Management and organization of pharmacy services, protection and ımprovement of community health care in execution areas of pharmacy services, monitoring and evaluation of drug usage behavior in society, pharmacy legislation and law, pharmacy deontology and occupational ethics, monitoring and evaluation of health and drug economics and politics in the light of pharmacoepidemiological and pharmacoeconomic methods at the national and international level are important work areas.

Department of Pharmacy Management is conducted education and research activities in the fields of;Department of Pharmacy Management is conducted education and research activities in the fields of;

• Community Pharmacy
• Hospital and Governmental Pharmacy
• Industry and Research-Development Pharmacy

Institutions and Organizations of cooperated with:

Faculty and Departments Affiliated to Ege University:

Ege University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business Administration
Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health
Ege University Faculty of Medicine Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics

Institutions and Organizations Except Ege University:

Turkish Pharmacists’ Association
TPA 3rd District İzmir Chamber of Pharmacist
EDAK Pharmacists Cooperative


The laboratory of the Department of Pharmacy Management are the individual and the society.
Research Interests;
Information, attitudes and behaviors of people about drug usage
Expectations of the public from pharmacy services
To identify the problems for the practice areas of community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies and search for solutions
To identify the community drug problems caused by the pharmaceutical industry and search for solutions
Management problems of the pharmaceutical industry,
Many issues and problems with social dimension such as pharmacy education are the subject of interest and research area.


Lessons Given By Department Of Pharmacy Management

1. Pharmacy management
2. Management of Community Pharmacy
3. Management of Hospital Pharmacy
4. Pharmacy Law and Ethics
5. History of Pharmacy and Deontology
6. Graduation Thesis

Multidisciplinary Lessons Contributed

1.Introduction to Pharmacy (Multidisciplinary)
2. Legal Regulations and Documentation in Pharmacy Practice (Multidisciplinary)
3. Community Pharmacy Practice (Multidisciplinary)

Lessons Given in the Pharmacy Services Program:

1. Occupational Law
2. Sociology of Health

Academic Staff

Assist. Prof. Dr. Bülent KIRAN(Head of Dep.)
Res. Asst. Dr. Elif Gizem TAŞKIRAN


Ege Üniversitesi